I’ve Been Nominated!

I am so happy and excited to be nominated for the Liebster Award. I first want to thank the awesome and beautiful “Playing Superwoman” also known as “With Love From P” for this nomination. I started this blogging journey not too long ago to help me deal with anxiety as I was unable to work or do much due to a double knee surgery. I needed something to keep me busy, help me keep my mind off the pain and blogging is where I found peace. I am so honoured to have been nominated as this journey has been so important to me.

There are rules as it relates to this Award and they are as follows:

  1. Give the blogger that nominated you a special shout out.
  2. Answer 11 questions given to you by the blogger.
  3. Give up to 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate up to 11 blogs and bloggers inform them of their nominations.

Here are the questions I have been asked to answer and was so excited when I saw them! Here we go…

  1. What is something you learnt only after it was too late?

Let go of perfection. You don’t have to have all the answers. You don’t need to always be right. You don’t have to aim for perfection —> you don’t even need to be close. Making progress is much more important than seeking to achieve perfection. Perfection, after all, is unattainable; we are all different so in essence there is no such thing. I’d much prefer to dream and take chances, without worrying excessively about making mistakes.

2. Tell me about the best day of your life?

This is a great question and so difficult to answer so rather than selecting one, I will share a few: the day I got married, the days I had my children and especially my twins since we were told they probably would not “make it” due to complications and that they were Monoamniotic twins. Mono Mono twins are identical twins that share the same amniotic sac within their mother’s uterus.

3. If you could have on super power, what would it be?

If I could have one super power, it would to be able to find a cure for cancer. I would want the intelligence to create or develop a cure so no one person will have to lose another loved one to cancer again.

4. If you were trapped on a desert island what 3 things couldn’t you live without?

I could not live without my family, my dogs or coffee.

5. What is your ultimate blogging dream?

To help and connect deeply with other people. The deepest joy of being human comes from the connections between people. We only get superficial happiness from things, money, status, and possessions. We find our deepest happiness from learning about, being with, and loving, people. Whether you prefer to connect with big groups of people or a few select individuals, blogging can make that happen. I have learned to slow down because I had a super busy life that I was losing out on experiences with family and friends. I now make time to blog and through blogging it has helped me and I have met so many lovely people through it! Best decision was to start blogging!

6. What is the meaning of life?

Oooh this is a huge question and when I think about life I reflect on what it means to exist. Why are we here? Or does my life have a purpose? For me, I believe my purpose in life is to build a friendship with God. Consider some of these fundamental truths and raise my children that God is our Creator. The meaning of life is that which we choose to give it.

7. If you could be a fly on the wall, what would you do and where would you be?

Probably on a wall outside by a beach, enjoying its beauty, feeling the wind beneath my wings and smelling the fresh air. One of my biggest complaints is that we constantly are within walls and not outside of them (car, work, home, mall, grocery store, etc.) but if I could be a fly on the wall, I don’t want to be anywhere else but somewhere that would allow me to have fun and be playful and spontaneous and to watch and hear the waves.

8. What is your biggest purchase?

My biggest purchase has to be my home. When the twins were born our last home just was not big enough for 4 kids, 2 adults and at the time a dog and a cat. We had to expand and go big so that we could fit two swings, two jumpy rings and all the other things children need x 2.

  9. What advice would you give your younger self?

What other people think does not matter, just keep growing and learning to be you. People have different outlooks, based on their own personality and experience. Why would anyone’s views about you be more valid than your own? You may even be imagining that people are judging you when they’re not. The solution is to stop concerning yourself with others’ judgements – real or imagined – because they are irrelevant. No-one ever became truly happy by impressing other people. Learn not to care but to focus on you, your family, your happiness and new adventures.

10. Name a secret you’ve been too scared/embarrassed to tell anyone.

When most people meet me, they see me as strong and driven and someone who has a strong head on their shoulders. In actuality, I had a tough childhood and so different from anyone I have met thus far. I do not know if it was a result of my childhood, but I suffer with anxiety and over the years have learned how to cope with it. My anxiety at times can leave me feeling sad and alone. By admitting this would mean I am accepting it and then feel weak. I do not like the weak feeling. I am still learning how to deal with it and learn it is not a weakness. For now, I have chosen to not talk about it. Just to answer this question took over a day before I could type it out.

11. Describe yourself in 3 words.

Passionate, honest, big-hearted




So, it is now my turn to nominate 11 bloggers and they are…

  1. amy.wilson.391 (awakening your faith)
  2. Robin Wisner – Health and Mindset Coach
  3. miss_mental0
  4. Baffledmum
  5. 40andholding.com (Susie Truett)
  6. nikiwibrow404040
  7. Joel Jaws Andrada
  8. Iya – Louisa’s
  9. the nerdy mom blog (Michelle Delgado)
  10. Couplekeys
  11. Mommy Soul Conversations (deimilesoares)

My questions are:

  1. How would you define happiness?

     2. You were given a garden to plant one flower, which would it be and why?

     3. Who would you rather live with, someone who can cook/bake or someone who can do home improvements?

     4. Out of all the cartoons and shows you ever watched as a kid, which one would you rather live in and why?

     5. Have you ever done something because someone told you to and regretted it after? If so, what was it?

     6. If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?

     7. If you could be any animal, what would it be and explain why?

     8. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done and until now, no one ever knew?

     9. Tomorrow grows out of today. What does this statement mean to you?

     10. What does the world need more of?

     11. You are given 24 hours to do anything you want and an unlimited budget. What would you do?

I can’t wait to read all the answers to my questions and again, I truly want to thank again “With Love From P” for considering and nominating me for this award.

Link to all your queries about the Liebster Award: https://theglobalaussie.com/liebster-award-2018


Melanie xo




8 thoughts on “I’ve Been Nominated!

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  1. Congrats! I loved reading your answers. 🙂 Thank you for the nomination, I appreciate it ❤


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