Mother’s Day Ideas

Mother’s Day is a day to appreciate your mom and shower her with love for all that she has done for you. This day does not mean you have to spend a lot of money, so consider a meaningful gift rather than a costly one.

Here are some ideas to consider for mom on Mother’s Day:

  1. Flowers – a bouquet of flowers or flowers for her garden. A bouquet is beautiful and something to admire in the home. Flowers for the garden will be something mom can enjoy all summer long or possibly, now and the years to come (perennials).
  2. Make her Dinner – mom may appreciate a day and night off! A few options may be to make her breakfast, lunch and/or dinner at home, order in, or take her out for her meal. If your mom is like me, going out for dessert or making a fantastic dessert at home is another option.
  3. Mom Day Off – a day (or night) off for mom can offer her the break she needs! Possibly do some chores around the house or outside of the home, and give her some “me time” as you are taking care of business around the home. A relaxing day off for mom could be exactly what she needs.
  4. Pictures – Every mom loves pictures (unless I am the only obsessed mom with taking pictures every moment I can get) and capturing memories of her family. You can set up a photo shoot and surprise mom with the pictures, order gifts with some of mom’s favorite pictures (mugs, aprons, pillows, etc.),or simply frame a family photo for mom to enjoy year-long in the home.
  5. Homemade Gifts – one of my favorite gift ideas for Mother’s Day are homemade gifts! I keep every single one and showcase them all! A homemade card, handprints molds, flower pots, coffee cups with painted handprints or an artistic design. There are so many ideas on Pinterest (ie. lavender sugar scrub, photo bookmark, planter, etc.), Michael’s, or surf the net, tons of ideas that will truly make Mother’s Day special for mom!

Mother’s Day is a great way to show mom what she means to you. On Mother’s Day spoil your mom with your time and love! Even if you are unable to purchase or make a gift, you can make your mother’s day but calling her and talking and listening to her or going over for a visit with coffee/tea in hand to share.

I try not to call being a mom a job because the word defined means: a task; paid work, paid employment, casual or occasional work ( and I don’t believe being a mom is a job! Being a mom is not easy, but it certainly is rewarding! A mother may have full hands, but forever her heart will be!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Melanie xo

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